Collective Full Moon Communication

Indeed, observing the moon can be a mesmerizing and thought-provoking experience that helps connect us to the vast universe and to one another.
Full moon view from NYC, USA ©Melissa
New York City, USA ©Melissa

The slow progression of lunar phases and the contrast between the Earth’s rapid rotation and the moon’s gradual changes offer a unique perspective on the passage of time and the interconnectedness of our world.

Here are a few points to reflect upon: #photography #connection, #continuous growth, #cultural significance, #scientific curiosity, #emotional agility, #shared visual experiences, #stress relief and reflection, #inspiration and creativity

This "Super Blue Moon“ will be the closest, biggest, and brightest full moon of 2023. It’s exceptionally close in Moon miles from Earth (222,043 miles).

See you on Wednesday the 31th of August, 2023?  

It would be wonderful to see your „Perspectives of the Super Blue Moon on the 31th of August, 2023″ becoming part of the Gallery! Send your name and place where you photographed to:

Click on individual pictures for enlargement and picture credits from the 3rd of August, 2023 pictures.

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