Coaching for Creativity

Motion Tracking © Julian Barth/Cindy Louise Gates

„Be the energy you want to attract.“

International Mantra

Eins-zu-Eins-Coaching für Kreativität, Meditation und Atmung

Coaching is a good idea when you notice that you are limiting your own growth by the same stories you are consciously/unconsciously telling yourself. If you know (or suspect) that you want to further develop or completely change an area of your life, why not get some professional assistance?

One on One

Coaching for Creativity

We get to know each other in an initial conversation and find out to what extent you would like to take advantage of „Coaching for Creativity“. Then you book the coaching offer.

Coaching for Creativity

Wenn du an einem Einzelcoaching interessiert bist, um mehr Empowerment und Kreativität in deine Arbeit und dein Leben zu bringen, würde ich mich freuen, von dir zu hören.

Nutze das Anfrageformular und ich werde mich so bald wie möglich bei dir melden.


Preis je 1:1 Termin: 70,00 - 120,00 €


Nach Vereinbarung

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