Many photographers and filmmakers were out of work first, in between, and following the european Covid 19 lock-downs. of course, we didn‘t stop taking pictures or being creative, but for some of us, it took a while to reorganize mind-sets and energy into positive productive directions.
This book „Out Of The Woods“ is a product of my personal experience here in Germany from the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 up to the publication in 2021. It includes 26 double pages, 28 x 21 cm in size, with an introduction in english and ger- man followed by staged portraits and short interviews with sixteen creative friends and their individual answers which help remind us of many of our own extraordinary daily experiences during this time.

For each book sale, a tree is donated and planted together with the „German Youth of the Forest“ in Essen, Germany „Deutsche waldjugend Landesverband NRW e.V.“.
Wenn du Interesse hast, ein Buch zu kaufen, freue ich mich wenn du mich über diese Website kontaktierst.