
„The fullness of life lies in the stillness of the mind.“

Jiddu Krishnamurti


The reason meditation is so powerful is that it causes positive shifts in our awareness. It is easy to over-identify with everyday thoughts and emotions, which can prolong them and make them seem more important than they actually are. Specific thoughts or feelings can unnecessarily lead to agony, fear, self-doubt and self-degradation for prolonged periods of time. A daily meditation practice strengthens the parts of your brain which are responsible for memory, learning, attention and self-awareness. The practice calms your sympathetic nervous system, increases cognition, memory and attention span.

GEführte Meditation

Wenn du an einer geführten Meditation interessiert bist, um mehr Empowerment und Kreativität in deine Arbeit und dein Leben zu bringen, würde ich mich freuen, von dir zu hören.

Nutze das Anfrageformular und ich werde mich so bald wie möglich bei dir melden.


Preis je 1:1 Termin: 70,00 - 120,00 €


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